Friday 21 November 2008


Ok so I love Keri but I have a few concerns....Keri has now released 3 videos from 'In a Perfect World', and Return the Favour was understandable because Energy was such a stupid choice...but they haven't even given Return the favour time to breathe! I mean I know they're not trying to push her over here at all, but it doesn't seem like the single was given any kind of backing and they just moved onto the next video..

While I think Turnin Me On is ok (I think Keri's vocals are waaay to tweaked...even for her) my confidence in her as an artist is dwindling, and her once anticipated album may never see the light of day. Its a shame because she was so hyped up, and her earlier material was fresh (Where Did He Go...Hands & Feet) and then all this shit (and I mean that negatively) started leaking from her album.

I hope they make a decision and either prepare a hot album or send Keri back behind the pen & pad because this is taking all of my energy...(lol)

Tuesday 11 November 2008

This Is Too Much

Ok, so when I was a young'n, Dance Dance Revolution was the shit. I would spend most of my pocket money at the Trocadero (remember Segaworld?) dancing my ass off and thinking I was way cool (which I was).

So maybe a good decade after the series begun, some fool has decided to make a musical about DDR. Don't ask me how, or why, but it is happening.

They can turn anything into a musical these days can't they? I actually don't know where they found the 40+ cast for this. All I know is the production will play the Ohio Theater, December 3rd - 20th. Be there or be erm..better off?