Tuesday 18 March 2008


Shoutout to Charles for the heads up

People wonder why the 'urban' scene doesn't get much support, this is why....because people decide to go out full of hype and do utter foolishness.
I knew the goonbags couldn't handle Weezy and something would go down somewhere, but I am surprised it was at Stratford Rex.

Apparently there was some madness going on in the audience at one point, and someone even managed to get on stage (erm...security?) causing Wayne to cuss them and continue performing. A bit later on Wayne was walking around the stage (I don't know why) and someone threw a bottle at him. Obviously this pissed him off and he walked off stage.

But WHY would you go to a fucking concert and fling something at the performer? Its inconsiderate people like this that ruin shit for everyone who just came for a show. Sameway dickheads in dances who bring beef along with them get raves locked off...or just dead the mood, but obviously violence will never have a positive effect on the mood. I just don't see the point. It seems that people here feel like they gotta prove a point to the Americans by doing fuckeries like this when in actual fact it just ruins future prospects and can tarnish promoters reputations.

Watch the video below

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