Wednesday 2 April 2008

A bit and a bob

Firstly, Estelle's album. Go and buy it. Shine is amazing.

There's a wide range of material from 'So Much Out of The Way' (Wyclef on the buttons), to the old school 'Pretty Please' and the beautiful one-drop 'Come Over'.
Estelle doesn't have the best voice but she definitely knows how to use harmonies...or at least has learnt from Mr Legend.

Its different to The18th Day, which had a few nuggets of perfection (Change is Coming, Hey Girl) but this time you feel that a lot of effort has gone into the album. I actually bought this one, you should too.

On another note...I've been meaning to post this Cherish track for time. It's like a carbon copy of Nsync's Gone. These bitches need to hurry up and drop 'The Truth'.

Cherish - Amnesia

1 comment:

Random J said...

I must have me some damn amnesia, because 5 minutes after hearing the song I can't remember it. I'd be surprised of The truth even got released. These chicks could never hustle how Destiny's child hustled. Not with that fat chick in the group slowing shit down and those skinny twins stank attitudes. They always be looking like they wanna go upside a bitches head.